
Our Leadership

To help people become the best version of themselves they can be

Meet our executive team

Leadership is to create a culture of meaningful work. We believe that meaningful work is the foundation for a healthy and happy life, so we strive to make every day at Coets an opportunity for everyone to do the things you love and enjoy working with people who share your passion for our mission.

Our leaders are committed to helping each other grow and achieve their goals, so we can all be proud of what we’ve accomplished together.


· Full expertise and hands-on experience in Marketing during stay in Shell and Kohler
· Abundant working experience in international 5-Star Hotel
· Outstanding leadership in R&D, Marketing and Sales teams
· Skilled in Project Management
· Thorough understanding of contract markets and hospitality industry
· Certified Management Consultant

Ms. Judy Wei

General Manager

“Think big, walk long!”


· 10 years of experience in outdoor furniture industry

· Full experience of helping client’s restaurant to be a local Internet celebrity check-in points with our outdoor furniture layout solutions.

· Outstanding leadership in sales, training, marketing team.

· Hands-on experience and deep research on restaurant and hospitality market.

Ms. Amber

Sales Manager

“Less is beautiful!”


· Majoring in Mechanic Graphing and Advertising Design
· 18 years of experience in outdoor furniture industry
· Yearly output of 30+ new designs
· Hands-on experience in contract market outdoor furniture

Mr. Ben Chen

Chief Designer

“To design is to foresee essence of customer’s demands and needs with a pursuit of beauty.”


·Responsible for furniture craftsmanship and structural design.
·10+ years of experience in furniture manufacturing quality control.
·Considerable expertise in dealing with technical issues in furniture design and craftsmanship.

Mr. Jason Hu

Quality Supervisor

“Strive for designing and making the best outdoor furniture to the highest standards.”


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