
Warehousing & Logistics

We are constantly innovating and testing new ideas to ensure our customers’ products arrive on time, safely and cost-efficiently.

Product warehouse

With more than 2000 square meters, Coets has two strategic warehouses located in Guangdong. It is the place where the products are stored and organized. Not only more prouducts than before, but also reserving plenty of space for customer property.

Ready to ship

Pick it, click it, we will ship it.

Immediate delivery

Seize the day, take the goods now!


Available stock enables you to put in the furniture and open your restaurants, bars, hotels, or resorts in the shortest time and most cost-effectively!

Semi-finished products warehouse

This warehouse enables us to stock up on the materials we need and avoid running out of stock. We keep our cost down by having access to cheaper prices for various types of semi-finished products.

Shorten delivery time

Production and delivery time is able to be controled. Production time can be shortened by approximately 30%.

Reduce the cost.

The raw aluminum materials are purchased at its lower price. The semi-finished products guarantee to keep the price within a reasonale range.

High production efficiency.

We are able to focus on quality instead of quantity when it comes to the products or services. This ensures that we deliver only top-quality items to our customers without compromising anything else.

Logistic Service

Loading report

Provide a detailed list of the goods that are loaded onto the ship. Providing information about how much space is used, how many units were loaded, and what kinds of goods were loaded. This information can be used to calculate insurance claims or other legal matters.

Logistics department

As one of the backbone of our company, it’s the department that gets our products and services where they need to go. Our team members are experts at their craft, with years of experience in logistics. They know how to get your product from point A to point B quickly, efficiently, and with as little stress as possible for your customers.


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